Friday, March 8, 2013

Big Heads

It seems like there is an ongoing discussion between our kids about who has biggest head.  (Some genetics are so strong :)  Josh and I tell them not to worry about it and that they have big heads because of all their brains, but they still can't help teasing each other.  During one of their discussions Caleb tried to get me to settle the dispute he was having with his brother.  Caleb called me over and said, "Mom, look at my head . . . it is skinny, huh?  . . . and now, look at James' head....IT IS FAT!!!" Part of me wanted to laugh at what Caleb said, and the other part wanted to take Caleb down a notch by pointing out that James has much prettier eyes.  Instead, I gave some Barneyesque answer about how they both look handsome and should love each other so much.  When I walked away they were both looking at me like I'd been speaking spanish.    

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